规格 | 53 assays per kit |
运输温度 | 环境温度 |
储存温度 | 短期稳定:2-8℃ 长期稳定:详见单独组分标签 |
稳定性 | >2年(在推荐的储存条件下) |
分析物 | Acetic Acid |
分析方法 | Spectrophotometer |
检测方法 | 吸光度(Absorbance) |
波长(nm) | 340 |
信号响应 | 增加 |
线性范围 | 0.3 to 20 μg of acetic acid per assay |
检出限 | 0.14 mg/L |
反应时间 | ~14 min |
产品应用 | Wine, beer, fruit and fruit juices, soft drinks, vinegar, vegetables, pickles, dairy products (e.g. cheese), meat, fish, bread, bakery products (and baking agents), ketchup, soy sauce, mayonnaise, dressings, paper (and cardboard), tea, pharmaceuticals (e.g. infusion solutions), feed and other materials (e.g. biological cultures, samples, etc.). |
方法识别 | Methods based on this principle have been accepted by EN,?ISO,ICUMSA, IFU and MEBAK |
产品特点 | ·无废ACS溶液(提供稳定悬浮液) [·No wasted ACS solution (stable suspension supplied)] ·加入PVP以防止单宁抑制 [·PVP incorporated to prevent tannin inhibition] ·所有试剂在制备后稳定期超过2年 [·All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation] ·极具竞争力的价格(每次测试的成本) [·Very competitive price (cost per test)] ·Mega-Calc软件工具可从我们的网站获得,可轻松处理原始数据 [·Mega-Calc software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing] |